When it comes to selecting an exterior house rendering it really boils down your goals. You may be surprised to find that the way that a rendering looks is only one variable you should consider when selecting a rendering style or vendor. Let’s break down some of the most common use cases and the right fits for each.
Showing off a listing

Unlike the other use cases, showing off a single listing may actually boil down to which rendering style and price point you prefer. Historically, marketing teams and agents would go for renderings that were highly styled to catch the eyes of homebuyers. Some of the most popular styles were dusk renderings and watercolor renderings. In 2022 by and far photorealism is the most popular style for listings, while watercolor is seldomly used anymore. This is because buyers want to feel like they are being sold on a home, not just a dream. With technology advancing, photorealism has become more impressive than ever.
Photoreal renderings pair great with 360 exterior videos.
Important questions to ask when selection a vendor for static renderings:
Focusing on User Experience

If your objective is to create a user experience for buyers that drives engagement and transfers ownership, you should consider adding interactivity. Today’s homebuyers are accustomed to shopping in the driver’s seat. That means giving them the ability to instantly experience multiple color schemes or allow them to design their own color schemes. Interactive renderings allow builders to access a library of every color in North America to create and manage selection choices for buyers.
If you are a production builder this is a must. Single renderings no longer live up to customer expectations and providing interactivity consistently leads to website session lengths of at least 15 minutes.
When choosing a vendor for interactive renderings it’s critical to understand their process and what it means for your future costs and the time you will spend maintaining the tool. Some useful question to ask any vendor would be:
- Do I need to pay to add colors in the future?
- Can I add colors/myself?
- Can I manage selections myself?
- How time consuming is it to manage?
Data Driven Renderings

Being able to make business decisions based on renderings is a concept that builders should be seeking to understand and implement. Using interactive exterior renderings results in rich data points which not only allow builders to make business decisions but also unlocks the capability of AI. Using machine learning, the data that is gathered from interactive renderings can be used to create tailored customer experiences in the future.
Leveraging user session data, builders can easily dig down and see not only the most popular colors across their entire collection but also per plan. Understanding popularity trends can assist builders in knowing what they should or should not be offering as well as knowing what schemes and options demand a higher premium.
With the data collected from the interactive renderings, builders should also be able to look at individual lead trends and color preferences before that lead even contacts them.
When shopping for renderings it critical to start with end game. If it’s to sell a single listing static house renderings fit the bill. If it’s to give buyers that ability to engage buyers then interactive content is a must. If you’re looking to create data-driven customer experiences and make better business decisions it’s vital that your interactive content also comes with insights and analytics.
Looking For The Right Vendor
If you’re looking for a vendor that does it all and more contact us here at Anewgo. Our team is always looking for ways to make our renderings more photorealistic and our one of a kind interactive renderings allow for builder teams to access every paint and siding color in North America. Lastly, our Insight tool provides power builder and buyer trends empower sales and management teams to optimize their sales.
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